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  • 20.10.2019

    New law would open the return of animals to the circuses in Mexico

    • Description

      Mexico. New law would open the return of animals to the circuses.

      Deputies of Morena propose a new law that opens the possibility of using animals in sports practices, public and private shows.

      The General Animal Welfare Law initiative promoted by deputies of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) provides for the return of wildlife to circus tents in the country, a practice prohibited in 2015.
      A study of the legislative document made by the National Alliance One Million of Hope, said that the legislative proposal "is leaving the doors open to the use of wild animals, both in public and private practices."

      CdMx Constitution guarantees animal protection.
      The agency's spokeswoman, Ethel Frida Herrejón, told Notimex that animals could be used in all kinds of shows and events, including circuses.

      Global Look Press/Yevhen Liubimov

      In this initiative, she said, federal deputies, José Guadalupe Ambrocio Gachuz and Martha Olivia García Vidaña, "do not specify even the type of animals that can be used."
      He specified that one of the articles explains, that the use of animals is prohibited, but later mentions the possibility of using animals in sports practices, public and private shows, as long as there is guarantees are given to the animal.
      He argued that the goal of the Moravian deputies is to stop recognizing animals as "sentient beings", a fight that was won in Mexico City and the states of Mexico, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Sonora and is intended to treat them as things or objects.

      "To consider animals as susceptible to appropriation does not imply ignoring them as sentient beings, nor does it grant them the treatment of goods, but rather it is only intended to establish a regime of obligations of owners and holders" regarding the care of animals, he said.

      It would be unthinkable, he added, to guarantee their well-being without fulfilling various duties on the part of the human being.
      Chapter V of the initiative refers to animals used for sports and shows.
      "At this point it is important to note that the bill recognizes the sovereignty of federal entities to legislate on the matter, so that only obligations to ensure well-being are indicated, as well as provide medical care by a veterinarian," he said.
      With this reform it is expected that the rabies will go from being animal welfare centers to places of sacrifice where electrocution would continue.
      He acknowledged that even when there is an overpopulation of dogs and cats of 30 million in Mexico City, other solutions can be used before slaughter, such as sterilization and adoption, since they try to consider them as a pest and exterminate them as such.
      He pointed out that this initiative responds mainly to economic interests, since it is backed by bullfighting, biscuits and people who orgznize dog fights for economic purposes.
      He called again to the march they organize to protest against this initiative on Sunday July 28, 2019 at 12 noon from the Angel of Independence to the Zocalo.