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Search results "Circus": 17 posts

  • 05.11.19, 16:59 Media update


    Recently we had an event where due to limited time we coudn't deliver Aerial rig to the site. Our technicians managed to find solution and everything went well. However, this situation was very interested for our team and we started to look for more information in regards of technical support of events. This article was published at Red Circle Shop, company that made for us few large props for the events and we decided to share on of their blogs on our website. 

    "You are or your child taking aerial classes and would love to do more, but what if you could practise at home, that really would be amazing, right? Wait here, not so fast! 

    There is lot’s of hidden stones and issues to consider. First of all you should decide if you wish to install your aerial equipment at home, for example find a right spot for aerial point, right? Or you will decide to get a freestanding aerial rig and rig your silks or aerial hoop or lyra at home.

    Here is some basic info and summary on both methods and it is up to you which one to choose from. We will start from aerial point as it seems like the easiest way to go, right? First of all you should determine load capacity and requirements for space before you will proceed with installation.

    Keep in mind that performer or person making moves in the air on aerial equipment generates force that exceeds actual weight of the person. Standards in the industry for rigging aerial apparatuses is that any rigging point with load capacity below 2000 lbs. isn’t safe.

    Also, minimum breaking strength should be no less than 8000 lbs. Another requirements is that this capacity must be free of other loads and it is unacceptable to use other load capacities for an aerial point. Example - snow load..."


    Read more HERE

    Tags: circus, equipment
  • 06.10.19, 23:46


    Big tent circuses that travel in Europe for centuries visiting hundred places each year, might get a specail support in Europe. 

    Interesting initiative has been launched in Europe by lawmaker, the idea is to provide support and award sircuses that follow and abide best practises. Hungarian MEP (Ujhelyi Istvan) said that circuses are part of European history and support provided by EU will basically save them from extinction. Circuses need us, he noticed. 

    Some circuses perform over 250 years, at the moment three European circuses received reward last Friday at the European Parliament at the ceremony. These circuses are: Hungarian, Finnish and Swiss  

    Three circuses from Finland (Circus Finlandia), Hungary (National circus) and Switzerland (Knie) were rewarded this Friday at a ceremony held at the European Parliament. Welfare of animals, tax compliance and staff protection among the most imprtant criterias for support. Currently among 50 circuses that tour in Europe, only six have received this label.

